illusion of normalcy.

Welp. Found this on the wonderful worldwide web and thought it was apropos for this blog and everything we’ve been discussing in this class. The quote I planned on talking about from the Spahr piece actually relates really well to this photo. On page 17 Spahr writes, “They did not want metaphors to matter but […]

Project 2 Ramblings

For my second project, I’m going to do something I’ve never tried. This piece will follow a body named Adi (short for Adipose) in their journey from non-entity to human being (or at least, their journey to humanity) after their planet, Cy (short for adipocyte), is invaded by a pointy-chinned troll named Dok who is […]

Going Gaga, Quite Literally.

I related to “gaga feminism” on a somewhat personal level this week. I’m pretty used to walking around feeling less than “normal.” I’m fat, non-straight, butchy-femme (thanks, Judith Butler), and depressive/high anxiety. All the things that count as “not normal.” I think the only thing I didn’t really relate to is that I dislike Lady […]

This is your brain on Kathy Acker…

(Since I can now, hopefully, make a post without it completely deleting everything I’ve written…) So, I’m having some difficulties deciding what to talk about for my presentation. Originally I was thinking about talking about Great Expectations, but then I went to the library and grabbed a whole bunch of other Kathy Acker novels. This […]


Well, I just had a long post abt my presentation typed up and my phone decided to shut off of its own accord and i lost every single word of it so I’m just gonna come back after class and retype it on my computer so the same thing doesn’t happen twice (I don’t have […]

Cha and Butler

When I first started reading Dicteé, I was unsure how the Judith Butler piece could help me understand it… or vice versa. But after ruminating on it for a while, I’m noticing that Dicteé as a whole exceeds identity. It is about identity in the fact that it is somewhat autobiographical, but it also resists […]